october 2024 Patreon Collection

current month

October is the perfect time for some spooky models. If you remember our November 2023 collection, you might recall the story of The Sealed Gate of Despair, located at the foot of Agony Peak. A multicultural base of operations exists there with the express purpose of maintaining the Seal and holding back any stray demons who slip through the deteriorating gate. We saw some of the heroes who guard the gate, but what about their enemies? This month we have a small unit of Oni, worshippers and children of the god of Despair named Yami no Zetsubou-nushi. From the devious mastermind Inmetsu, the deceptively erudite behemoth, Kyokotsu, to the low level vassals like Hoju and Shukai, and the newly born demon children Futaba and Kozue.

We also have some special Halloween minis only for subscribers this month, to celebrate the spooky season! These will be dressed up by Kittifizz and Calrais, who also sculpt our wonderful base packs and terrains each month with concept art by Paul Ferret.

We’re still slowly working on the stats formatting, as Conflux Creatures continues to make stats faster than we can format them 😂 September stats will begin having a slightly updated format to match with some new standards, but we’re still working on our backlog to catch back up.

If you want to read more about the backstory of the Sealed Gate of Despair, check out the CobraCompendium, which also has a listing of all our releases: https://bit.ly/3om6snO

See the full post on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/posts/october-release-113091445

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september 2024 Patreon Collection

past month

September is dedicated to the Dinovians, an ancient civilization that fled the mundane realm to escape the effects of the devastating war between their god, Archaen, and an enemy god, Stygian. The echoes of this war can still be felt today, with the random appearances of Stygian Apertures, shards of the dead god that create portals into Stygian’s twisted barrow realm. The Dinovians who escaped into the barrow realms have highly developed magical technology which many from the mundane realm dismiss as myths and legends. However, the Dinovian Merchant Caravans still circulate back to this realm from time to time, albeit sometimes with hundreds of years in between. This month’s minis are some of the characters are from Vae’lira’s caravan, a merchant from our October 2023 Collection that first introduced this society.

Our fabulous bases and terrain pack was sculpted by Kittifizz and Calrais this month, with concept art by Paul Ferret (as usual). The throwbacks include a fun collection of our back catalog minis, including some creatures from the Stygian Realm that might serve as a good encounter for tabletop gamers, a Lemurian Mage with her Servitor (our take on mermaids), and an adorable little Curly Tail Shishi, a pet or familiar that would be perfect to decorate your desk or keychain 🥰

Stat sheets are currently backlogged due to some life stuff, but we should be able to get April and May out fairly soon. Conflux Creatures is hard at work creating stats faster than we can format them!

If you want to know more about the background and history of the Dinovians, check out our CobraCompendium, the huge lore document containing all of our lore to date (plus a numbered listing of our back catalog collections): https://bit.ly/3om6snO


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august 2024 Patreon Collection

past month

August is dedicated to the Guanghan Rabbitfolk, who live in the Qian Sheng Shan (Thousand Sacred Mountains). The Guanghan have a fraught history with the Nature Spirits who live in the surrounding areas to their villages and towns. In the past, their rapid expansion and population growth has lead to deforestation, destruction of natural habitats, and a general upset to the natural cycles of the land. The Nature Spirits fought back against this, but it wasn’t until they asked for aid from the Five Elemental Dragons that the Guanghan saw the error of their ways. Not all of the Nature Spirits are content to forgive and forget, however, and they still fight back when they feel that the rabbitfolk are overstepping their bounds. The Plantform Nature Spirits from this month are some of the spirits that you may encounter in the Guanghan lands, and raising their ire can be quite frightening! Luckily there are hired mercenaries and guards like Iron Heart, her brother Iron Will, and Fierce Flame, who help protect against all the dangers of the Qian Sheng Shan. Those who wish to learn the way of the sword might go to Master Elegant Sword, and study his Drifting Cloud technique while trying not to spill a cup of fine tea.

This month’s bases and terrain pack was sculpted by Kittifizz and Calrais, with concepts by Paul Ferret. He also did the fantastic character designs this month!

I’m behind again on the Stats, but we have May and June in the works still for formatting while Conflux Creatures works on July.

You can learn more about the conflict between the Guanghan and the Five Elemental Dragons by reading the CobraCompendium, which also has a full listing of all our collections at the end: https://bit.ly/3om6snO

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July 2024 Patreon Collection

Past month

July’s collection is taking it to the high seas with Sommos Pirates! The remnants of the Sommos Empire, located in the marshy Reed Sea, is on a large stretch of coast. It’s only natural that bandits on land would also take to the oceans. This month we’re adventuring with the crew of The Crooked Marlin (formerly just The Marlin), who are out for revenge against the mighty Kraken that gave the rebuilt ship its new moniker. Dashing Captain Dagon is leading the charge, while First Mate Padu (riding atop Murushu), barks out the orders to the crew. Not everyone wants to listen though; for example, 14th generation pirate Zulrida and her Pelican Bomber mount, Umu! Jonathan and Zu, Seagull Trappers, are not exactly the most obedient either…

Our fantastic bases and terrain pack was sculpted by Calrais and Kittifizz this month, with concept art (including characters) done by Paul Ferret. You should definitely scroll through the WIPs to see his original sketches 😀

We’ve fallen a bit behind on the Stats again, but will hopefully be catching up a little bit this month. Our stats are created by Conflux Creatures, who has tons of fun stats to choose from on his own Patreon.

If you’re curious about the fall of the Sommos Empire, check out the CobraCompendium, which also has a full listing of all our collections at the end: https://bit.ly/3om6snO

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June 2024 Patreon Collection

past month

Maybe June just puts us in mind of bugs? This month’s release is all about the Fidelium, mothfolk who use biohacking to meet all their needs. They shun the use of magic, unlike their cousins and enemies, the Noctuoidea. They (rightly) blame magic and the pursuit of more power for the catastrophic destruction of their ancient society and goddess, and the many centuries of suffering that came after. Remaining loyal to their goddess Divalia, they refuse to use her Barrow Realm, or the Barrow Realm of any dead god, nor do they mine her corpse for precious metals as the Noctuoidea do. However, their leafpunk spirit does manifest in some surprising and unsettling ways…

The shady Fidelium Shaman, Siridia, might sell you an illicit potion with some unconventional effects, while Dysphania, Fidelium Monstrosity, is full of rage against the Noctuoidea and has already mutated her body almost as far as it will go. Acheron, Fidelium Assassin has chosen some specific mutations for his profession, specializing for stealth and speed. But Vireo, Rubus, and Foli are all-natural beetle folk who are allies with the Fidelium, peacefully farming fungus and tending to their deadfall villages.

Our gorgeous bases and terrain pack was sculpted by Calrais and Kittifizz this month, with concept art by Paul Ferret. I’ve fallen behind on the stats formatting again, but we do have April Stats waiting to be formatted while Conflux Creatures works on May and June.

You can read the full lore for the CobraMode Universe in the CobraCompendium, which also has a full listing of all our collections: https://bit.ly/3om6snO

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may 2024 Patreon Collection

Past month

It seems like April showers bring May… Yetis! We haven’t done a Xueren release for over a year, and it’s high time we revisited these beefy mountain monastics. Way back when, we set up the story of two sisters who founded the two main factions of the Yetis, the evil Yu Huo Zong (Fiery Hell Sect), and Nan Tian Zong (Heavenly Gate Sect). These xanxia inspired Qi users are martial arts masters, and the sisters have gained immortal status through their respective techniques. We’ve already seen the vain and evil Libang Xian, but this month we’re finally seeing her sister and polar opposite, Libang Zhao. I haven’t officially written the history of their family, but their family name “Libang” roughly means “powerful scroll”, and it’s this historian’s belief that the Libang family kept safe the Scroll of Summoning now in Libang Xian’s possession. Her younger sister is the only person who has ever escaped being bound to the scroll, and continues to evade the Yu Huo Zong to avoid being captured and absorbed into it. Weifeng the Xueren Acolyte and Chongyang the Xueren Adept are part of the Nan Tian Zong founded by Libang Zhao, practicing Qi cultivation techniques to build their power rather than killing and absorbing it from their foes. We also have some of the creatures of the high mountains, the Xuehou Snow Goblins and the Qingling Shenzhong, Pure Spirit Bell Deity, who can be found wandering the snowy passes and peaks of the Qian Sheng Shan.

This month’s bases and terrain were sculpted by Kittifizz and Calrais as usual, with concepts by Paul Ferret. Our stats are a bit behind because I got sick in the middle of the month for a long time, but we’ll have our April stats formatted soon and start working on May.

If you’re interested in the greater lore of the Xueren, make sure you read the CobraCompendium: https://bit.ly/3om6snO

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April 2024 Patreon Collection

past month

April is usually still cold where I’m from, but here in Jebel Irhoud, it’s always hot! This collection is centered around the Geometer’s Guild, the engineers and mage-scientists of the CobraMode world. Sometimes the study of the intricate workings of the world introduces an element of mysticism, and this is no less true for the Geometers. Their study of magic and its mechanisms spawns a lot of strange ideas, theories, and practices, and some of the fruits of these studies can be seen in our Tara’iq Geometers, Sarab and Qamar. The Tannit Geometers who deal with stars and heavenly bodies are only slightly more practical, with young Thuraya being somewhat of a mischievous outlier. Keeping them all in line with the Guild Laws is Naila, a Hakam Geometer who watches over and regulates the other Geometers, no matter how powerful. We also have a fantastical and eerie terrain piece which might be sentient…

Speaking of terrain, our bases and terrain pack was sculpted by Kittifizz and Calrais, with concept art from Paul Ferret! As usual they’ve done a fantastic job, and there are a lot of great pieces to build out mini scenes or dioramas.

We have caught up with March stats, and Conflux Creatures is starting work on April. Hoping to get that knocked out by mid-month, while I load the stats into our MMF listings. It’s going to take awhile, but for now you’ll be able to access all the stats through our Patron Download Links according to Collection. If you need to reference a model’s collection, you can search our CobraCompendium, which has a numbered listing at the end (along with all our lore so far, an impressive 86 pages!!)

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march 2024 Patreon Collection

past month

February was a short month, which is always a bit rough for Erin. Still, he wanted to challenge himself to make a dragon with scales and fur together. I’m in absolute awe of the final result, and I hope everyone is excited to print and paint that one! March follows more of the Feixian cranefolk, a doomed people who are systematically hunted by the ten thousand shards of the Nemesis. An old and vengeful god, Nemesis was promised their lives by their last, and most corrupt king, and their people have paid the price for generations as their numbers dwindle. Will the Feixian ever escape their tragic fate? RuYan and LiuYi certainly dream of a future in which the Nemesis is defeated, and with the help of their ally, FengYun the Dragon Sacred Beast, they’re making headway against the vast hordes of shards. 

As usual we have a full pack of bases and terrain sculpted by Calrais and Kittifizz, with concept art by Paul Ferret. Calrais also helped to pose and make the weapons for the cute Nemesis shards 14, 15, 16, and 17.

Isaac of Conflux Creatures has us caught up with our stats finally! Kittifizz helped me format the sheets, and we might actually be able to simultaneously release stats with the month collection for the first time 😂 Feb stats have been written, just need to be reviewed and formatted while Isaac works on March. Woohoo!

I put some extra effort into the lore this month as I was eagerly awaiting Erin to finish sculpting the beautiful dragon. I hope you enjoy it, and take a look at the greater Feixian lore in our CobraCompendium!

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February 2024 Patreon Collection

past month

This month’s collection  has three models that Erin sculpted for February: Hanshiro, Hayami, and Hikimasa. Harukage, Hanzaki Champion, and the Hanzaki Grenadier trio are from our March 2022 collection which started the Ninjas of Smoke who work under Katsuhito. We also have some Hanzaki Surgeons sculpted by Kittifizz and Calrais, from whom no gallbladder is safe! And a round of fun throwbacks, including the April 22 bases and terrain pack, Qingshan, Feixian Swordsman, and Haneboshi, Hanzaki Gunner. 

Our bases and terrain were created by Kittifizz and Calrais as usual, with concept art by Paul Ferret. 

Conflux Creatures has been banging away at the stats while I’ve been formatting them into our custom sheets, and we’re now up to Oct 2023. Nov stats are in the pipeline for formatting while we finalize the Dec and Jan stats, and Isaac works on the Feb stats. You can download all the stat sheets from any of the Patron Download Links posts, including the one that will be posted for this month.

There’s some great lore for Katsuhito and his crew, which you should read in our CobraCompendium: https://bit.ly/3om6snO 

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january 2024 Patreon Collection

past month

The January Collection travels back to the Boondaburra Continent, where we’re taking a closer look at the Imperial Navy. We’ve seen the pirates of the Boondaburra, but who do they fear?! The Boondaburra are avid sailors with quite a powerful and extensive Navy, including some colorful crewmembers. Captain Mushen was once an instructor to the dread pirate Siduri, who captured an Imperial Navy Ship and has been terrorizing the seas ever since. The salty old dog still regrets teaching his pupil as well as he did. His old friend and Navigator, Tilmun, is a grumpy Nurasa penguinfolk who could have shot to great heights if it weren’t for his utter lack of soft skills. Faithful Namerin, his personal valet, is better suited to working in a manor house or estate, but chose to follow his master out to sea where he uses his skills to bring the finer things in life to the Captain. A consummate gentleman, he still holds his own in a fight against pirates! What he can’t handle, Hazi the Monkey Guard can. The wisdom of giving a monkey a gun is questionable, but has so far proven to be a good bet… mostly. Lastly, we have the all-female Boondaburra Dive Corps, an elite group of suited divers sent on only the deadliest of missions beneath the waves. 

Our fabulous bases and terrain were sculpted by Kittifizz and Calrais as usual, with concept art by Paul Ferret! 

If you’re interested in the full lore, check out the CobraCompendium: https://bit.ly/3om6snO 

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december 2023 Patreon Collection

past month

For December, we’ve moved to the YuanYang Territories which lie at the foot of the Qian Sheng Shan (The Thousand Sacred Mountains). We haven’t explored our ducks too much yet, so we thought it was high time to revisit them! I’m hoping that our new duck knight, Evergreen, will inspire as many beautiful paints as Red Sun, our last knight! This time, his large banner offers some incredible freehanding opportunities… We also have our showpiece, the Peng Sacred Beast, whose beautiful plumage will surely be fun to paint. Or would you prefer a trio of chubby little potatoes like the Yosuzume Mercenaries? There’s also the mage pondering his egg, joined by a tough little rabbit friend, and some artillery engineers ready to do some serious damage. Which ones will you be painting this month?

As usual, our wonderful bases and terrain were sculpted by Calrais and Kittifizz, with concept art by Paul Ferret. Calrais also sculpted the artillery and did a lot of the feathering of the Peng, which Erin blocked/finished off the detailing of. Awesome work from the fastest sculptor in our Discord!

The stats for Sept/Nov have been sitting in my computer waiting to be formatted. This month has been partially self-imposed madness, so the stats have just fallen by the wayside… As things settle down, I’ll be making time to format them properly so that we can get caught up. 

If you haven’t read the lore of the YuanYang yet, check out the CobraCompendium (which also contains the rest of the lore, and a complete listing of all our releases).

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november 2023 Patreon Collection

past month

This month’s collection is featuring the Zuijin of the Sealed Gate of Despair. The Zuijin are the sworn keepers of the gate, and serve various functions from warriors, defenders, and casters, to craftspeople and artisans. It is considered an important and sacred duty to serve as a Zuijin, and all of the societies of the Qian Sheng Shan send people to contribute. This time we’re seeing a new society, the Sarugami, along with an old favorite, the Daitengu! 

We have our wonderful themed bases and terrain pack this month sculpted by Calrais and Kittifizz, with concept art by Paul Ferret, as usual. 

The throwbacks this month are also some of our favorites, with Esmar the Boondaburra Diplomat and her two guards Ishu & Goru, Red Sun the YuanYang Knight on his bold mount, and the mushroom themed base and terrain pack from August 2021!

A little bird told me that there might be something fun for Thanksgiving later this month too 👀

I’ve currently got Sept and Oct stats waiting to be formatted, which will get done after the month changeover is finished with. This would get us almost current with the stats! Exciting!

If you’re curious about the lore of Qian Sheng Shan, check out the CobraCompendium, which also has a numbered listing of our official month releases at the very end. 

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october 2023 Patreon Collection

past month

Fall is upon us, and especially Halloween! As an avid costume-wearer, I’m pretty excited about this, and so are the Hanzaki! We have an adorable crew of trick-or-treaters for you this month, courtesy of Kittifizz and Calrais, and I can’t wait to see how these get painted up. 

I hope everyone is excited for the Dinovians this month, who are kind like our world’s version of the Annunaki. The Ancients of myth and lore who only visit every few hundred years, coming from afar with their stargate-esque advanced tech and magic… What’s not to love about them? 

Our awesome bases and terrain this month really complement the ancient tech angle, with designs by Paul Ferret and models by Kittifizz and Calrais. I can see this pack getting a lot of use even for Sci-Fi minis. The idea is that the Dinovian ruins can be found everywhere in our world also, so these can be mixed and matched with our other factions as well.

As always, you can see all of our previous lore on the CobraCompendium, along with a numbered listing of our official releases: https://bit.ly/3om6snO

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september 2023 Patreon Collection

past month

September is another Moth Month, which I hope everyone is excited for! The Twilight Forest Faction was our 3rd most popular faction in our last poll, after the Mikata Wetlands Amphibians and the Boondaburrans. We’ve expanded on the two warring sides of the Mothfolk with some Fidelium and some Noctuoidea. The Twilight Forest has some of the deepest lore out of all our factions, so make sure you check out the CobraCompendium’s section on them to find out their secret history… 

The bases and terrain were created by Kittifizz and Calrais as usual, with amazing concept art by Paul Ferret. And our stats are created by Conflux Creatures. Unfortunately there is a delay on releasing them because our layout artist OddballOwlBear got a full time job! Congrats! I’ll be slowly working on them myself until I can find a new layout artist to fill his shoes. If anyone knows how to lay out text and graphics in our Affinity Designer template, send me an email at andrea(at)cobramode.com 🙂

I’m setting up some Cross-Promos this month also, so make sure to keep your eyes out for those. Please go to the Patron Download Dropbox link and download the August Cross-Promos before the end of the month, as those will not be uploaded to MMF. 

As always, you can see all of our previous lore on the CobraCompendium, along with a numbered listing of our official releases: https://bit.ly/3om6snO

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august 2023 Patreon Collection

past month

This month’s collection is exploring the Boondaburran Continent, a place we haven’t been to yet! Although we sailed the seas with some of our Boondaburran pirates, we didn’t get to see the mysterious land they hailed from. A dangerous place, where everything is poisonous, venomous, or both, Boondaburra is a vast land where adventurers will have to keep their wits about them. Governed by the platypus-folk, there are nonetheless many different species on this continent, including the Gulamany koalas, the Budgekin, and the Cavy (capybara-folk). We’re getting a glimpse into the Boondaburra military ranks this month, along with a peek at some of the interesting fauna native to this harsh land.
The bases and terrain this month were sculpted by Calrais and Kittifizz, with concepts by Paul Ferret! We are also very close to being caught up to the Stats, made by Conflux Creatures and formatted by OddballOwlbear.
We also have a great Cross Promo with CastnPlay, which I’ll post about tomorrow 😉
If you want to read more about the lore for Boondaburra, check out the CobraCompendium. It also has a numbered listing of all our releases (though it doesn’t include the special patron exclusives, throwbacks, or cross promos). Link here: https://bit.ly/3om6snO

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july 2023 Patreon Collection

past month

This month’s collection is all about the Guanghan Rabbitfolk, and their Imperial Court. Hasel from our Discord informed us that female bunnies are the ones who make the burrow, so we thought it fitting that the Imperial Court was mainly comprised of princesses and an Empress. Of course, if you have a Court, you need a Court Bard; Guanghan are great lovers of the arts, and consider it a higher calling to engage in music, poetry, and martial arts. The flashy Shining Wave loves to show off, and I think we’ve captured one of his best performances. 

Some Guanghan, like Princess Wild Swan, are a little bratty and ambitious, while others like Princess Dawn Clouds, are content to relax and enjoy life. The elderly Empress herself is a shrewd and savvy ruler who might have a special task for your adventurers (and an equally special reward). 

The bases and terrain this month were designed by Paul Ferret, and sculpted by Kittifizz and Calrais as usual. Stats continue to be made by Conflux Creatures, formatted by OddBallOwlBear, and are available through the link in the Patron Download Post. 

We’re almost caught up with the stats now, with only April 2022 and April 2023 missing (as well as the May stats for last month). Phew! Conflux Creatures has been hard at work pumping out the stats, and OddballOwlbear has been making time in his final year of college to do the layouts. You can find the dropbox link for all the stats in the Patron Download Link.

If you want to read the deeper world lore, check the CobraCompendium, which also has the numbered listing of all our monthly collections at the end: https://bit.ly/3om6snO 

See the Month Preview Post on Patreon.

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june 2023 Patreon Collection

past month

Summer in the desert must have inspired us to go back to the Taforalt Desert and its capital city, Jebel Irhoud. This bustling city of intrigue is home to a multitude of Guilds, each vying for power and status with each other. Employing mages and private armies, they each adamantly protect their turf, guild secrets, and technologies in a city that thrives on merchant commerce with the wider world. This time, we’re getting a look at the Lamplighter’s Guild. Their humble beginnings as a guild that lit the lamps at night has grown to include the management of their special gas lines and the technology stemming from their use. The gas comes from a particular Barrow Realm, meaning it has magical properties. The guild mages connect to this Barrow Realm to draw their power, and also make contracts with creatures of that realm (Hinn) for various purposes.

This month’s minis give us a glimpse into the inner workings of the Lamplighter’s guild, with a few members from different strata as well as a Pari, a specific type of Hinn that often works with the Guild.

Bases and Terrain this month were sculpted by Kittifizz and Calrais, with concepts by Paul Ferret!

We’re almost caught up with the stats now, with only April 2022 and April 2023 missing (as well as the May stats for last month). Phew! Conflux Creatures has been hard at work pumping out the stats, and OddballOwlbear has been making time in his final year of college to do the layouts. You can find the dropbox link for all the stats in the Patron Download Link.

As always, you can read more about the background of Jebel Irhoud and the Taforalt Desert in our Cobra Compendium, the ever-growing lore document for the CobraMode Universe! The end of the Compendium also has a numbered listing of all the collections: https://bit.ly/3om6snO 

See the Month Preview Post on Patreon.

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may 2023 Patreon Collection

past month

This month we’re going back to our roots with the Hikiga and Hanzaki, one of our original factions! The Hikiga have a very regimented Imperialist society, and have all the benefits (and drawbacks) of that system. The discipline of their army is reknowned, and their drive for military power allows for experimentation into some of the more controversial technologies. For example, the enormous Command Post Tsukumogami, an animated object powered by multiple will-o-wisp-like spirits called Onibi bound to physical objects. The creation of this massive magical construct took the lives of fifteen Spirit Binders, and remains the pinnacle of Hikiga ingenuity. Imperial Spirit Binders like Ginchiyo often employ much smaller and more manageable Onibi as assistants, such as the Guanghan Mask Onibi which she uses a bit like a bomb-defusing robot. The rogue Spirit Binder, Tozen, has thrown in his lot with the shady Ryujin Katsuhito, and his chaotic creations aren’t always well behaved. The Hanzaki have their own form of ancestral spirit possession, which Haranobu practices. While it may look like Hikiga-style Spirit Binding, it’s actually an older form that the salamanders had been using for centuries before the Hikiga Empire. 

This month’s bases and terrain were sculpted by Kittifizz and Calrais, using concept art by Paul Ferret as the basis 🙂 

We’re sooo close to being caught up with our Stats, lovingly crafted by Conflux Creatures and laid out by OddballOwlBear! There are only 5 months missing right now (not including May), so almost all of our collections now have stats that can be used in your tabletop games. Phew!

For all you new Lore Lovers, make sure you read the CobraCompendium to catch up with the background on the Hikiga and the Hanzaki, and check out the numbered listing of all our collections at the end: https://bit.ly/3om6snO 

See the Month Preview Post on Patreon.

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april 2023 Patreon Collection

past month

April’s collection is exploring the dark and forbidding world of the Stygian Apertures, mysterious portals to an unknown Barrow Realm that open seemingly at random. The Geometers of Jebel Irhoud are the most familiar with this phenomenon, and have studied it so extensively that they can even predict when and where some of the portals will open. This has made Jebel Irhoud the main adventurers and expeditionists to the Apertures, where they find extremely rare, alien magic artifacts, creatures, and plants. However, adventurers must beware of the Call of the Apertures – staying there too long or going too often can begin an unstoppable process of mutation into a Stygian creature, not always sentient.

Some of the creatures are featured in this collection, such as the Stygian Alanqa, a flying beast used by the Ait Alexon Air Cavalry force who help to protect adventurers in the Apertures, and the Stygian Cynomorphs, a common and dangerous beast found therein. The Stygian Larva, which scientists have discovered can morph into a variety of adult forms (including the Cynomorph), is an eerie marvel. Meanwhile, some of those who are mutated by the Stygian Realm are received less warmly – called Children of Ydris, they are likened to demon-spawn and shunned (albeit respected) in Jebel Irhoud. You can read more about the specific lore at the end of the post.

This month’s bases and terrain were concepted by Paul Ferret and sculpted by TheBetaMarie, Calrais, and Kittifizz! We also have a stellar Throwbacks pack this month, with our desert themed base and terrain pack, a chonky Tengu with a big stick, and 5 adorable Hanzaki Ashigaru to help you on your journeys.

As always, you can read all of the collected Lore in our CobraCompendium, which also has a numbered listing of all our collections at the end: https://bit.ly/3om6snO

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march 2023 Patreon Collection

past month

March is a special month, because it’s the Anniversary of CobraMode and it’s also Erin’s birthday! CobraMode is now in it’s 3rd year of operation, can you believe it?

For such an auspicious occasion, what better way to celebrate than with a dragon, some fluffy bunnies, and a cute pet?! I don’t know if anything says CobraMode more than that. The popularity of Coiled Strike really took us by surprise, but I’m glad that we got that feedback in time to make our “March Hare” collection 😁 Special thanks to resident bunny expert Hasel, whom we consulted with on the features of bunnies in order to create these characters.

This month’s wonderful bases and terrain were sculpted by Calrais, Kittifizz, and Karurosu from our Discord Server, with the help of concept art from Paul Ferret. Our stats are by Conflux Creatures (who has his own Patreon that you should definitely check out), and formatted by OddballOwlBear.

This month we have a couple Cross-Promos planned, the first of which is Dragon Gate Tavern! They’re sharing something I think everyone will enjoy, but I’ll wait till the 2nd of the month to make a formal post about it.

If you’re interested in the full Lore of the CobraMode Universe, check out the CobraCompendium (which also has a full numbered listing of all our models, sans extras and patron exclusives).

See the Month Preview Post on Patreon.

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march Release Detail Images

february 2023 Patreon Collection

past month

This month’s collection is continuing our sea theme, with the new Lemurians! Based on mermaids or sirens, they pilot their bio-mechs in order to travel (and wage war) on land. The two we have this month are Tereis and Melusine, one a fighter and one a mage. Each of them pilots their own Sandwalker, a biomech controlled by sound or song through symbiotes. They each also have some Servitors, little biomech helpers that can serve as companions and protectors. 

The fabulous bases and terrain this month were created by Calrais, Kittifizz, and Karurosu, with concepts for both characters and terrains by Paul Ferret. We have an extra scatter this month with the little crab chest servitor! It might make for a fun thing for your adventurers to chase around 😆 

Our throwbacks for February are also great, and include the Sommos Calongo 5 pack, a perfect complement for this sea themed release. I’m also happy to see Izdara the Mazigh Raider and Nycterix, the Pteropodea Bat Assassin, as they’re figures that we don’t normally see people print and paint. Hoping to see more this coming month!

Conflux Creatures has continued to hammer away at the stats alongside OddBallOwlBear now that the situation with the OGL has mostly resolved. Once the release is more settled, you’ll be seeing the Dec and Jan stats in fairly short order.

The lore this month ties in with the lore of the Sommos and the Noctuoidea, so if you’re interested in reading more, check out the CobraCompendium. It also has a numbered listing of all the releases we’ve put out, for those completionists out there 🙂

See the Month Preview Post on Patreon.

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february Release Detail Images

January 2023 Patreon Collection

past month

This month’s collection explores the remnants of the Sommos Empire, which was destroyed through the political machinations of the Ryujin. As the nearest and most powerful neighbours to the Mikata, the Ryujin were invested in making sure the amphibious fish empire didn’t get too influential, while also seeking to exploit their resources. The Sommos, now a scattered people, have never forgotten their former glory. Even though hundreds of years have passed, and their once-unified lands are now broken into rogue encampments and isolated villages preyed upon by lawless roving bandits, they still hunger for the day when their Empire will become whole again.

Orchamus the Jow Warlord, and his advisor Gishima the Mago Tidecaller, are dead set on reuniting the Sommos. The most successful warlord in hundreds of years, it seems like Orchamus might become a real threat to the Ryujin’s plans. Many Sommos are flocking to his banners, including Jow Veterans who keep the traditions of the old Empire Warriors, and even humble fishermen riding their Kyokas to go see this new hero. Some have even brought the baby Kyokas they’re raising, perhaps to become trained war mounts for the cause (or just for companionship). 

Our bases and terrain pack this month was sculpted by Kittifizz, Calrais, and Karurosu, and will provide plenty of flavor to base your water-themed minis! 

Stats will be coming for December’s minis pretty soon (we’re just reviewing them and getting them formatted), courtesy of Conflux Creatures and OddballOwlbear! If you haven’t seen Conflux Creatures before, he writes a truly astounding number of stat blocks every month, and if you like homebrew D&D, you should definitely check out his patreon. 

As usual, I’m including the lore for this particular collection below, but you can read more about the CobraMode Universe in our 40+ page Lore doc, the CobraCompendium: https://bit.ly/3om6snO 

It also includes a numbered listing of every collection (at the very end of the doc), for all those completionists out there. 

See the Month Preview Post on Patreon.

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january Release Detail Images

december 2022 Patreon Collection

past month

December’s collection is set in the Taforalt Desert, in a small oasis area controlled by independent Hikiga. The Kasane Oasis is a new area that we haven’t explored yet, so this lore, while intertwined with the Mikata Wetlands, is separate and distinct. The desert versions of Hikiga and Hanzaki who have been emigrating from the Wetlands for thousands of years, a dusty Ryujin, and a new species (Owl-folk), which we haven’t seen before! MidJourney inspired our new Owl-folk mini, and will be sure to help us generate new ideas in the future. 

We have wonderful bases and terrain by Calrais and Kittifizz this month, and Conflux Creatures and Oddball Owlbear are still hard at work on those 5E stats. Supported files, as always, are by Atlas3DSS. 

If you’d like to read the lore for the entire CobraMode universe, make sure you check the CobraCompendium, which also has a numbered listing for every model we’ve sculpted at the end. If you want to read the teaser posts, which sometimes have some notes and asides that I don’t put into the official lore, look at the top of this posts section and click the WIP tag to see all of the previews 🙂

See the Month Preview Post on Patreon.

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november 2022 Patreon Collection

past month

As we start to feel the chill of impending Winter here in Northern Minnesota, our attention has turned back to the cooler valleys and slopes of the Qian Sheng Shan, the Thousand Sacred Mountains. This month we’re expanding the Tengu who live there, including some fun new Sacred Beasts. The Tengu Witches and Kotengu are new aspects of Tengu Society that we haven’t seen before. But perhaps Usagibo from our February 2022 Release would fit in with the Witches if she weren’t busy leading the Yugiri Forest Outlaws?

This month’s bases and terrain were created by Calrais and Karurosu from our Discord! This is Karurosu’s debut as an official freelancer, although he’s created some awesome fan sculpts like the Cool Dude Hanzaki (available for download in the Kitbashing channel on Discord; check the pinned posts). We have a variety of snowy and foresty bases that would look great mixed and matched with your other minis, CobraMode and otherwise. 

We’re still working on finalizing and formatting the 5E stats backlog, though the gap is slowly closing! Oct, July, June, and May of this year are in the works, and will hopefully be formatted soon. Conflux Creatures and OddballOwlBear are working hard to catch up 🙂 To access the 5E Stats, go to the Patron Download Post and click the dropbox link.

As always, you can read all of our lore in the CobraCompendium, and also see a complete numbered listing of all our collections at the very end of the document.​

Read specific lore for this month on the Month Preview Post on Patreon.

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november Release Detail Images

october 2022 Patreon Collection

past month

This is our third Spooky October release, and we decided to go a little off the rails this time. When Hasel on our Discord recommended a Vampire Boondaburra, we KNEW it had to get made! Paul’s amazing concept sketch just sealed the deal for us. We had originally planned for this to be a purely undead pirates release, but we couldn’t resist splitting with the Boondaburra since th idea was so golden. I hope that we get to see a lot of awesome dioramas from this collection!

Our awesome bases and terrain were sculpted by TheBetaMarie and Calrais this month, and Calrais even sculpted the 3 undead pirate crew members using Erin’s posable base meshes. We also decided to re-release the fun Halloween Extras from last year that TheBetaMarie made (the witch is my personal fav). So the October Release is pretty huge this time, haha. 

You may have noticed the changing proportions of our graphics the last few months; I’ve been trying out some different formats since Mobile seems to be the most common way people look at our graphics, but the super long format just didn’t do that great. I’ve decided to try square format, since that’s more versatile for web and mobile. Which one do you prefer?

We’ve taken on a new Cobra Crewmember, Isaac from Conflux Creatures, who is helping us catch up on the 5E Stats. Isaac has been attacking those stats with vigor, and I hope you’ll all take a look at the new September 2022 stats and let us know what you think 🙂

Our lore is a little bit non sequitur from the usual CobraMode Universe, but just think of this as a side story… You can read more about the rest of the universe (including Hagetaka, from our previous October Release) in the CobraCompendium.

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september 2022 Patreon Collection

Past month

For September, we’re looking at a whole boatload of Nemesis shards with only a few sly Feixian to fight them. Outnumbered and outgunned is nothing new for the Cranefolk warriors though, all of whom practice some form of martial arts due to their troubled history as a people. The many different Nemesis incarnations would also work nicely as footsoldiers, mooks, or army units for any tabletop games and campaigns. We might not get to all 10,000 of them, but we made a good big dent this month 😆

Once again we have some bases and a ridiculous Flying Pagoda building sculpted by TheBetaMarie, bases by Kittifizz, and bases and a beautiful pond archway from Calrais! Our wonderful renders are also by Calrais. All of them were scouted from our Discord channel, where many people have been quickly progressing on their 3D modeling skills! If you have questions about sculpting or modeling, make sure you swing by.

We’re still steadily making progress on the backlog of 5E stats, with OddBallOwlBear (Zach) on the case!

If you want to know more about the background of the Feixian, including their secret history, check out the Cobra Compendium.

Read the Month Preview Post on Patreon.

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august 2022 Patreon Collection

past month


We haven’t visited the Moth Folk since June last year, and it’s high time we saw them again. This month’s inspiration came from a different concept artist, Yishu Ci, who came up with some cool new armor and outfit types for our Noctuoidea. The Fidelium Hunter was a sculpt that Erin had stashed away. Sometimes he works on an idea and can’t figure out how to make it work with a collection, or how to make it really cool. So it gets filed away for a few months or a year until we can figure out what to do with it. After seeing some of Yishu’s sketches, he was able to work out something with the old sculpt he had, and I think it turned out fantastic! 

This month’s bases and terrain were created by TheBetaMarie, Calrais, and Kittifizz. I absolutely love these twisted mushroom bases. The Twilight Forest, where the moths live, is a creepy, dark, mutated forest full of poisonous shrooms, ancient gigantic trees, and all kinds of toxic, poisonous, and venomous life forms, set among the ruins of a grand ancient city crushed by a moon. You should definitely read the secret history of the moth people in our CobraCompendium, which explains more about their circumstances.

Throwbacks this month are the Boarzerkers, August ’21 Base Pack (a shroom pack that goes great with this month’s theme), and Chammurash the Ifrit.

Oddball Owlbear (Zach) has been hard at work catching up with stats, and we now have December 2021 available in the download folders! Zach credits his mad desire for ramen funds as his major inspiration 😂

To check out the complete lore, there’s our trusty CobraCompendium, which includes the numbered listing of all our collections so far.

Read the Month Preview Post on Patreon.

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july 2022 Patreon Collection

past month

See the video in 4k: https://youtu.be/q2zJXbGyRSs

For July, we’ve travelled into the Qian Sheng Shan, the Thousand Sacred Mountains where the Xueren Yetis live. A monastic, kung fu practicing people, the Xueren were founded by two sisters with opposing ideologies regarding the cultivation of Qi, and the results are that the Xueren split between those who kill and harvest Qi from others, and those who pass it peacefully or grow it within themselves. These Master and Apprentice duos continue our theme of contrast with the Xueren; old and young, serious and lighthearted, established and thrown together. Paul Ferret’s concepts for this month were stellar, and you can really see the excitement he sparked in Erin’s sculpts!

Our fabulous base pack this month was sculpted by TheBetaMarie, including a huge Xueren House that prints in multiple parts. In theory, this should be able to print supportless flat on the plate except for the wooden table, but you may want to use auto-hollowing to save on some resin for those… The bases should all be OK to print supportless as well. Support files for the wooden table will be forthcoming!

This month we got some help from Calrais with finishing off the fur on the Yaks. We got a few requests to make a separate version without the saddle, so we got Calrais to sculpt in the fur that was missing… She also helped to cut and key the horns, and did our wonderful renders as usual. 

OddBall OwlBear (Zach) has been steadily working on the stats, and we should be seeing some more months getting completed quite soon. If you’d like to see the stats all in one place, check the Patron Download Post when it goes live later on – there will be a link to a dropbox folder with all the stats available so far. 

To check out the complete lore, there’s our trusty CobraCompendium, which includes the numbered listing of all our collections so far.

Read the Month Preview Post on Patreon.

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june 2022 Patreon Collection

past month

See the collection in 4k: https://youtu.be/XZpOEKNqLrE

We’re departing the high seas and heading farther inland, in the lands between the Qian Sheng Shan mountains and the Kutugha Steppe. The Okamian are a proud militaristic society of dog-people, most belonging to a society or order for a specific area of life. For example, Ermingild and Gerlonus both belong to Mages orders, but one is a builder mage and the other is a battle mage. We also have an assassin-type in Gerwalt, and a beast-master knight (Berengar) with his attack monkeys.

This month we got help from Calrais and Kittifizz from our Discord! Calrais helped finish the sculpted details of Berengar and the monkeys as well as creating our battleground and warfront bases and terrain piece. And Kittifizz created the castle library and hunting ground bases!

Throwbacks this month are Red Sun, YuanYang duck Knight, Sadiq and his undead assistant, and the base pack from Nov 2020.

The May files will be appearing on MyMiniFactory starting in early June, so don’t worry if you forgot to download from the Dropbox Link.

To check out the complete lore, there’s our trusty CobraCompendium, which includes the numbered listing of all our collections so far.

Read the Month Preview Post on Patreon.

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May 2022 Patreon Collection

past month

4K Video of the Collection: https://youtu.be/L8W89ghikt8

This is month 2 of our Pirate Crew, and what pirate collection would be complete without a sea monster?? The Dire Clam is an eldritch horror borne of Erin and Paul’s imaginations, and I hope it makes a perfect BBEG (or display piece) for everyone! We also have more colorful crew members, like the surly Budgekin Bosun, the Cavy Pirate Cook, a big platy Navigator, some chaotic Pyraja, and an adorable fishy to complete your inevitable high-seas diorama. 

TheBetaMarie has once again created a stellar set of bases in both square and circular format, this time with the theme of a deserted island! I’m sure this is the pirate cove where The Budgerigar weighs anchor, a mysterious place with ancient stone carvings and temple ruins. And of course, renders by Calrais!

Some of you will be earning your third month in May, so watch out for the updated MMF files. You should receive a notification, but if you don’t, check your Library -> Objects shared with me. Patrons of April will receive their MMF files in early May. If you want to download/print during the month, make sure to use the Dropbox link to grab the files.

Our throwbacks have some fishy fiends for the pirate crew to fight against, as well as a classic mini (Temur), and Acharya the Noctuoidea moth mage! You might want to check out Black Magic Craft’s video where he created a Feywild scene for Acharya using only dollar store materials. 

To check out the complete lore, there’s our trusty CobraCompendium, which includes the numbered listing of all our collections so far.

Read the Month Preview Post on Patreon.

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april 2022 Patreon Collection

Past month

See the video in 4k: https://youtu.be/SvsmTB5e-zw

For April, we’re trying out something new and exciting for our patrons: Loyalty Bonuses! Anyone who has ever been subscribed for 3 or more months (can be non-consecutive), will receive a special Bonus model, The Budgerigar! This platy pirate ship has a removable bottom so you can set it flat on the table, or you can put it on a stand to display it in all its glory. Sculpted by Heriberto Valle from Capsule Chibi, we commissioned him to make us something really special and he didn’t disappoint! From now on, any patron who has 3 months of patronage will receive this model. If you don’t have 3 months yet, staying in the patreon for the appropriate number of months will do the trick. For now we’ll use MMF to distribute it, so it should start appearing in peoples’ MMF accounts around mid-April. Every month I’ll be adding new emails to the MMF shared object as people reach their 3 month mark.

Of course, what’s a pirate ship without a crew? We have a whole cast of merry troublemakers, including our fearless Captain, an artillerist, a swashbuckling octopus with a mild platy-partner, and peg-legged bard pirate. Not to mention the mischeivous monkeys operating the mortar! Unfortunately the ship was made at the same time as a the crew, so we weren’t able to make it accommodate all the minis. But perhaps the fair Budgerigar has been beached and our crew is on land, to go with the fabulous bases and terrain scatter this month!

TheBetaMarie brought the best this month again, with shipwreck and pier themed bases, along with a little pirate cove terrain and some treasure. I’m looking forward to seeing how everyone will use these awesome bases… And of course, our ever-growing number of renders are done by Calrais, who has lately been creating some really fun models of her own over on Thingiverse!

This month we have a Cross-Promo with Night Owl 3D, a new patreon launched by one of our very own Cobras, Sa’iraa from the Discord! They’ve generously shared a Thri-Kreen warrior and pet on a custom base, which you can download from our Patron Download dropbox. Just look for the folder named “Cross Promo Night Owl 3D” 🙂

To check out the complete lore, there’s our trusty CobraCompendium, which includes the numbered listing of all our collections so far.

Read the Month Preview Post on Patreon.

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march 2022 Patreon Collection

past month

See the release in 4K: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzxFJUKd3pg

This month we went back to our roots; Hanzaki! One of our first fans was an account on Instagram called Mander Mayhem, who loved our Hanzaki so much he commissioned a 3d print before we even had our Patreon set up. Since then, these little salamander ninjas have been one of our fan favorites. So it was fitting that we created a collection around them for our 2nd Anniversary, along with a new Ryujin mob-boss to order them around. Erin also sculpted the fantastical throne setup of the Ryujin, a gigantic set piece that is not for the faint of heart. For size reference, a Ryujin is about 120mm tall, making the set piece around 240mm! We’ve cut it apart with the intention of fitting most standard size printers, but it may take awhile…

We also have a wonderful Hanzaki Tea Shop building this month, from Kittifizz. With the design from Paul Ferret, she created the perfect hangout spot for all your collected Hanzaki 😀

TheBetaMarie went wild this month with the bases, creating 2 sets that are almost like scenic flats! Believe it or not, like all our bases, they can be printed supportless if you put them flat on the print bed. TheBetaMarie test prints her bases every month to make sure you don’t need anything extra to print them. The same goes for the scatter decoration bits she provided this month, to help fill out your Hanzaki Tea Shop. And as usual, Calrais has done our lovely renders.

We have several Cross-Promos lined up for March, which we’ll be talking about as we go through the month. But our first one is with Mojibake, who is running a froggy Kickstarter. I’ll be doing a post soon to highlight them, and the 3 cute frogs they shared with our patrons this month!

You can check out the full lore on the CobraCompendium, or read the Month Preview Post on Patreon.

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february 2022 Patreon Collection

past month

Check out the 4K Video: https://youtu.be/-1rnWGimIso

This month’s collection is all about Tengu, specifically this band of outlaw Tengu (the Yugiri Outlaws), who hide in the bamboo forest of the same name. This ragtag band of thieves and vagabonds are lead by none other than Usagibo, the child prodigy favored by the Bunny Mask Yokai of the forest. Each of these characters has their own story to tell, and I think this would be an awesome encounter for a creative DM, whether they come in purely as enemies, or as an uneasy alliance to help them on their way to a greater purpose. We also have TWO surprise minis for the Lunar New Year that will get unveiled on the 1st 👀

We strayed a bit far from most of the concepts that Paul provided for this month, but kept the overall feel of the group sketch he made. I don’t want to show it because we might end up using those designs for future tengu! Kotenbo, the mask-on-mask tengu, is the closest match to his sketches, while Erin took the size ratios of the others and ran wild with it. 

TheBetaMarie has once again done a fantastic job with the bases and scatter this month, with the wonderful thematic bases that can be printed supportless (flat on the build plate)! The Torii Gate will require supports due to the giant tassels, but the supported file for that should be arriving soon. Lovely renders were created by Calrais, as usual. 

This month we have a Cross-Promo with Goonmaster, but not for his patreon… It’s for his Basing Bits Kickstarter! He’s generously offered some samples for our patrons to try, and is about to launch his Kickstarter for even more. I know how much fun everyone has with our 40pc Decorations Pack, so I’m sure this will be a great way to expand your kitbashing capabilities.

You can check out the full lore on the CobraCompendium, or read the Month Preview Post on Patreon.


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January 2022 Patreon Collection

past month

See the release in 4K video: https://youtu.be/8ipCTqtoXjg

This month’s minis are all from the Kutugha Steppe, mainly the home of the Ariche, and the newly discovered boar-people, the Goksagu. The Goksagu are some-times enemies of the Ariche, due to their nature-destroying mines and refineries, while the Ariche worship nature-gods and have deep ties to the land. The three little pigs seem to have a lot of patron fans though, so we’ll be sure to expand on them in future months 😉 In the rush to post the previews, I realized that I left out some of the awesome concept art that Paul Ferret made for us. Make sure to look at all the images in the post to see those too! Special thanks to Dewbug, who is our resident Ariche scholar/fan, and the one who has been pushing for Boarzerkers pretty much since he joined 🤣

We have 32 custom bases again this month, in circular and square format, courtesy of the fabulous TheBetaMarie! She also helped sculpt some of the details on the Ariche Beast Riders, including elements of the pack and clothing (although the “signature feature” of the Ariche was added by Yours Truly). And lovely renders were done by Calrais, as usual.

You can check out the full lore on the CobraCompendium, or read the Month Preview Post on Patreon.



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JANUARY Release Detail Images

december 2021 Patreon Collection

Past Month

See the Video here: https://youtu.be/Epqlfqm5y5U

December is all about the Ciorcal Druids, who have sadly been neglected ever since Mosbir’s release waaaay back in Collection 03 (May 2020). He was a bit of an anomaly as a mostly-human in a world of exclusively anthropomorphic characters, and we had trouble thinking of a fresh and new direction for Druids and their plant friends. As you know, we don’t really travel the beaten path here at Cobra HQ! But Druids are a pretty thoroughly explored topic, so it took a lot of brainstorming from Paul, Erin, and myself to get something we were comfortable with. I still feel like we could have gone even further if we had more time… Nonetheless, I’m proud of the collection we put together, and I think this month’s minis will strike a nice balance for our DMs who can always use more BBEG’s for their campaigns, as well as our painters hungry for unique figures. There may be a special Holiday Surprise near the end of the month as well…

Our super star base and terrain master, TheBetaMarie, went above and beyond this month to bring you SQUARE BASES!! This is pretty awesome, because we’ve had sporadic requests for square bases ever since we started. That means you have twice as much base goodness this month, all thanks to the Patron Saint of Furbies (seriously, when are you releasing that sculpt?) And our lovely renders were done by Calrais as usual, queen of random. By the way, both were recruited from our Discord channel where we have many artists sharing 3D tips and tricks, painting advice and new work, and also host our Cobra Corps Weekly Painting Club. Right now they’re smack in the middle of painting Libang Xian, Xueren Immortal (but you can still join if you want to catch up). Meetings happen on Thursday evenings (US time) in the voice chat. It’s a really nice way to structure your painting, and also paint together with fellow artists. To join the channel, connect your patreon account with these instructions: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role 

You can check out the full lore on the CobraCompendium, or read the Month Preview Post on Patreon.


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November 2021 Patreon Collection

past month

See the Collection in 4K Video! https://youtu.be/1Khcv98ZhvU

October just flew by for us over at Cobra HQ. Between working on the bus and getting the release ready, we’ve been pretty busy. Erin also hurt his back and had to take a day to lie in bed. I think the unsupported files will still be ready on the 1st as usual, but supported files will come a little bit later since we gave them to Atlas late. 

This month, Paul helped us sculpt the YuanYang Noble, and I think it turned out fantastic. We have quite a full collection of minis this month, with each grouping consisting of 3 or more figures! We also got a big lore chunk for the Feixian, a mysterious crane-folk who we previously had only seen one character from. I hope everyone will enjoy bird month for November 😀

As usual, our lovely bases and terrain were sculpted by TheBetaMarie, who even made a little chicken lair for our C. Rex (Rhacos). I’m loving the character of this set of bases, and can’t wait to see them printed out. Calrais did our renders for us last minute (bless her), so we could get the post together today!

Our Cross-Promo this month is with Naga Minis, who is also one of our patrons and a frequenter of our CobraCorps painting club! Adli and Sarah are an awesome team, and you should definitely check out their work if you like cute anthropomorphic characters. More info about what we’ll  be getting from Naga should be coming this week.

You can check out the full lore on the CobraCompendium, or read the Month Preview Post on Patreon.


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November Release Detail Images

october 2021 Patreon Collection

Past month

Want to see a video instead? https://youtu.be/2iNsXx6CwpE

October is all about Spooky Mikata. We delved into some of the more mystical and frightening creatures of the wetlands this time, and I think this collection is probably one of our best yet in terms of potential TTRPG encounters. I’m really excited to see these minis get painted up. We’ve been working with a Concept Artist, Paul Ferret, to help us get deeper iterations and more ideas. It’s been working splendidly, and I think it’s also fun to show the development sketches that we use to base the sculpts on. Erin always ends up putting his own spin on things, but having a more defined vision always helps him to focus down his efforts.

We have a Mystery Halloween Bonus from TheBetaMarie coming later this month, which everyone should be excited about!! We were dying from the Cobra Camp series 😂 She did all of our stellar bases and plop terrain again, taking inspiration from Japanese graveyards. And our beautiful renders are by Calrais 🙂

Our cross-promo this month is with 3DArtDigital, but even we don’t know what the files are going to be yet! Keep your eyes peeled for our highlight post to see what’s in store…

This month’s Lore is pretty fun, and if you want to read more of the background lore behind the Mikata Wetlands, you can do so in our Cobra Compendium, which also has a full numbered list of our collections to date. You can read just this month’s lore on our Patreon Post!



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september 2021 Patreon Collection

past month

Want to see a video instead? https://youtu.be/J6Qdi1UiXv8 

I’m not ready for Summer to end, but here we are, in September already. It’s already starting to feel a little brisk in Northern Minnesota ? Thinking of the cold weather ahead, we couldn’t help but visit Qian Sheng Shan, the Thousand Sacred Mountains, where the kung fu Yetis (called Xueren) live. Our collection is themed around contrasts; the brutish powerful Qi Wangmu (super saiyan yeti) and her counterpoint, the elegantly evil Libang Xian, and the youthful Jiang YiYa vs the old hermit, Blind Zhenren. Special shout out to Zephyr, who helped us with the naming of all the characters! Since Erin and I don’t know Chinese, it was really awesome to have a native speaker help us out with the naming. Zephyr added so many subtleties and extra meanings to the lore by referencing Chinese legends and stories, and I feel like it created more richness to each character background. Really amazing!

Once again we have a lovely selection of custom bases and a scatter piece sculpted by TheBetaMarie, our freelance sculptor, and wonderful renders by Calrais. Both of them were scouted from our Discord channel, where many people have been quickly progressing on their 3D modeling skills! If you have questions about sculpting or modeling, make sure you swing by.

This month’s Cross-Promo is with GoonMaster Games, someone we’ve been admiring ever since we started our Patreon. GoonMaster has generously shared their Ninja Cat mini, a definite rival to our own Ninja Salamanders! I really appreciate the whimsical sense of humor from their sculpts, and I hope you all do too. I’ll be doing a highlight post later this month about them, if you want to know more.

To read the lore this month, check out the end of our Patreon Post!



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august 2021 Patreon Collection

past month

See the release in 4K! https://youtu.be/Y0V_6IIUhIU

For August release, we teamed up with the brilliant team behind Heliana’s Guide to Monster Hunting to gauge how popular a supplemental STL release would be. They raised over $1.8m to create this incredible 5E  adventure book, and we’re hoping that the minis will generate the same passion that their incredible book did. These designs were created by Jess Jackdaw, and will have an adventure module + stats, maps, and all kinds of goodies in the final Heliana’s book, written and illustrated by Loot Tavern, Humperdink’s Wares, and Jess Jackdaw. They asked that we use the names and lore from Heliana’s to prevent confusion, so for those who want the Canon stuff, make sure to scroll down to read it!

Edit: I forgot to mention that our beautiful bases and terrain are once again sculpted by the talented TheBetaMarie! I’m in love with that crystal one especially, and I think these will be really fun to paint ? We’re also getting our stellar renders from Calrais, another talented artist we scouted from our Discord. If you’re interested in learning 3d modeling/sculpting, the Discord is a great place to hang out. 

Our Cross-Promo for August is from Drunken Dwarf, a tiny new Patreon with some serious sculpting chops! We were super impressed with the quality of the models, and want to share their awesome work with all our patrons (who, in my opinion, are obviously connoisseurs of the miniature space). They’ve generously given us a Draugr Berserker and a Draugr Archer, which will be available through the Patron Download Link when it goes up.

To read the lore this month, check out the end of our Patreon Post!

This release is only available to backers of Heliana’s Guide to Monster Hunting after August!



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august Release Detail Images

July 2021 Patreon Collection

Past month

See the release in 4K! https://youtu.be/dUSPKwqMWrI

July has a PANGOLIN! This has been a running request in our Discord for awhile, half-joking because we wanted to torture Erin with sculpting all the scales. Truly insane, he hand textured every single one separately. I think Erin’s crazy love of sculpting details is what really sets our collections apart from the other Patreon’s out there, along with his signature style. Please let him know what you think in the comments! We read every single one, and your excitement helps fuel him on days when he’s been sculpting for 15 hours straight ?

Waqia the pangolin has his own impressive shop building with tons of bits to mix and match. We also have our beautiful elf duo and their respective animal companions, a crafty old Ifrit, and our awesome throwbacks (40pc decorations pack, Burilgi, and Glima the travelling chemist). 

There will be even more surprises this month as we near 4th of July, as well as our 2nd Summer Surprise, all courtesy of TheBetaMarie! She really hit it out of the park this month with the bases, terrain, and these hilarious surprise extras. I can’t wait to see what everyone will do with these ones…

We have a cross-promo with White Werewolf Tavern also, who has generously provided us with their sculpt of Maletta, the Crow Mother in bust form. We’ll be posting about them again on the 8th, in case anyone misses this.

To read the lore for this month, check out the Cobra Compendium!



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June 2021 Patreon Collection

past month

Want to see it in 4K Video instead? https://youtu.be/7Kb8pn7rhrQ

This month we’re exploring the Twilight Forest, which is the home of the creepy and mildly sinister Noctuoidea and their nemeses, the Fidelium. They have an amazing history that you can read about in the CobraCompendium. Erin and I actually played a game of Microscope during quarantine in order to flesh out their back story! Our feature sculpt this month, the Noctuoidea Pontifex (dubbed the Moth Pope during development), is a massive multipart print that’s perfect for those of you who love a challenge. All of our figures this month are roughly human size 35mm, so you can just imagine how big Psilomonedes is…

We also have wonderful bases and terrain from TheBetaMarie, our superstar sculptor from our very own Discord! Make sure to check out her stuff on MyMiniFactory and show her some love 🙂 She also made the mystery models that we’re saving for the Summer Solstice on June 20th, so make sure you check back near the end of June to see the big reveal!

Our Painting Contest for June is going to have some really cool prizes this time around too. We’re still finalizing everything, but watch out for the announcement soon ?

CobraShare, our cloud service for distributing the files, is getting sooooo close to being done! SneakyCrow has been working nonstop on getting it ready. We were hoping that we could launch at the end of May, but some unexpected issues came up (as usual). But! I think we will be starting to test with some patrons very soon. Stay tuned!



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May 2021 Patreon Collection

Past month

This month is our biggest release ever, with a whopping 14 models and 16 bases, plus a plop terrain. We also have 2 heavy hitters in our Throwbacks this month, Norinaga and Xu Zhen. May is going to be a good month for all our Cobras 😀

We have bases this month from Johannes Burstrom and TheBetaMarie (a superstar 3d modeler from our Discord). Johannes made the seashell and wreckage bases, as well as the octopus plop terrain. Our brand new artist, TheBetaMarie, made the river rock and river dock bases! She’s often active in our 3d modeling chat, so come by and say hi 🙂

Ben Green, our 5E Stats-maker, is still on hiatus as he battles tax returns as an accountant (the deadline got extended due to the COVID confusion). He’s starting to think about those stats that he missed though, so hopefully we’ll see more of his awesome and creative 5E stat blocks soon.

If you’re interested in the CobraMode Universe Lore, take a look at our CobraCompendium, the central lore document for all our minis. There’s also a full numbered listing of all the releases we’ve done at the very end of the doc, for the completionists out there. 



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April 2021 Patreon Collection

Past month

For April Release, we have our first ever bust! It seems it’s a tad, uh, bigger than a standard bust, but that just let Erin pack more details in 😀 At 121mm tall (to the top of the sword), this Hanzaki bust is just covered in beautiful textures, and I’m sure painters will really enjoy the larger size. 

This month, we also contracted Johannes Burström to make our bases and plop terrain. Welcome, Johannes! I really like his whimsical flair, and though his background is in low poly video game art, he’s taken to mini sculpting like a duck to water.

We have 2 Cross-Promos this month, with Nova Minis and VoidRealm! These two are smaller patreons, each with their own specific focus. Nova Minis creates monsters for your tabletop campaigns, while VoidRealm is creating cosmic horror! We’ll be posting some individual highlights about each of these creators in early April 🙂

To read all the lore for the CobraMode Universe, check out the CobraCompendium.



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April Release Detail Images

march 2021 Patreon Collection

Past month

Y’all. It’s March. COBRAMODE’S BIRTHDAY!!!

We started this journey last year at the beginning of March 2020, which now seems like a thousand years ago. Needless to say, it’s been a wild ride. I can’t express to you all how grateful we are for your support, whether you’ve just joined or have been with us since the beginning. The love in the comments, the entries from our Painting Contest, and all your messages, social media posts of prints and paints, and hilarious chats in the Discord have kept us alive and laughing even through some really difficult times. I’m so glad that we have this community! I know I say this every month, but I also mean it every month. CobraMode has the best patrons, hands down!! You’ll know this for sure when you join our Discord channel, where people are sharing their printing and painting tips, working on their 3d models and kitbashing, and getting together every Thursday for the weekly Cobra Club painting session, where patrons paint 1 model for a whole month together. To join, follow the instructions here: https://support.patreon.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-Get-my-Discord-role 

This month we have a great cross-promo with Twin Goddess Miniatures, who makes some of the most lovely and lively sculpts. I’ve always admired their unique style and how illustrative the poses and details are.  And I love some of the more innovative sculpts they’ve made, like their spell effects genasi, and a really cool mycelium cloak. They’ve shared with us their Aarakocra and Harpy models, which are a fun complement to our animal characters! For our family-oriented patrons, they do have quite a few pinup style minis, but are balanced with female characters of all kinds and presentations, from cute witches to hardened barbarians. 

Note to our Merchant Tier: Cross-Promo Models are not licensed to be sold under our Merchant Tier.


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